The systems are designed to automatically extinguish fires in steel vertical tanks according to GOST 52910 with a fixed roof with a pontoon and without a pontoon, with a capacity of up to 20,000 m3 inclusive by supplying a gas-powder mixture to the fire zone.
The systems comply with the requirements of GOST R 56028-2014 “Automatic gas-powder fire extinguishing installations and modules. General technical requirements. Test Methods. " The design of the systems is carried out in accordance with STO 4854-039-13393076-2017 “Automatic gas-powder fire extinguishing installations. Design Norms and Rules ”, agreed and registered by the letter of the Volunteer People’s Team and Order of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia dated December 11, 2018 No. 19-2-4-3007 as a normative document on fire safety with the assignment of the code" VNBB-74-18 ".
The control and reception device generates a starting impulse after exceeding the threshold of the controlled factor (heat) by automatic fire detectors mounted in the roof and upper zone of the tank. The locking-starting device fires and gas begins to flow into the container with the powder. When a certain pressure is reached in the powder container, the membrane device is activated. The system has a low inertia; the supply of the extinguishing mixture to the protected volume starts 5 seconds after the system is activated and provides extinguishing at the initial stage (up to 30 seconds from the moment of ignition).
BiZone systems are equipped with high-pressure foam generators for connecting fire fighting equipment and supplying low-frequency foam based on a fluorosynthetic film-forming foaming agent into the boundary layer directly onto the surface of a burning oil product.